Sophia Biton
The world of employment is changing and employees’ loyalty and sense of belonging to their organization are definitely on the wane. A number of recent studies suggest that young adults prefer employers who can provide them with significant, meaningful roles. As director of HR I believe that when employees are allowed to bring out the best in themselves and when they are presented with challenges, it is easier to evoke in them job satisfaction and loyalty. An organization that subscribes to these ideas trusts its employees and expects them to be able to make decisions, think for themselves, dare to try things and move ahead.
Our employees are our most valuable resource, and that of our customers, too. Meptagon employs over 450 employees with diverse skill sets. Each division in the group has its own unique requirements so employees are handpicked to match their assignments. Our strength as a group rests most of all on our employees’ ability to share their knowledge and cross-pollinate their colleagues.
For employees, lateral movement within an organization is an excellent springboard for career advancement, networking, and experience. A company that fosters promotion within the organization will be able to recruit better new employees and then keep the best people, those who have gained greater experience and capabilities at work, to the benefit of the entire organization. To get this to work, transparency is essential in that all employees are aware of available openings and of the rules of seniority.
Corporate culture that encourages lateral movement will be focused on improving professional performance and skills in employees and executives. A professional can always find room for learning and improvement; one excellent way for employees to become better at what they do is to look to their superiors as a source of knowledge and as role models. In this type of environment, professional success will be waiting to happen to this employee, but will not threaten the superior. The executive can be sure of his or her place, and is encouraged to strive to advance and develop within the company. Nurturing excellence does not imply trampling over others.
We are interested in employees who will think, initiate, take responsibility, and dare to try new things. To this end we must equip them with a tool-kit and with opportunities.
*Sofia Biton is Director of Human Resources at Meptagon Group.
Meptagon Group designs, installs, develops control systems, integrates, and trades in process industry instruments and equipment.