Contributing to the Community
As a global leader in its field, Meptagon is committed to investing in the community. Every year, the company donates to several organizations, including associations, funds and academic institutions. Each organization represents an important goal or idea that we want to promote and support.
We believe that heading for a better process goes hand in hand with contributing to society.

Ezer Mizion
The Israel Health Support organization. The organization offers an extensive range of medical and social support services for patients and their families. Ezer Mizion has a diverse lineup of services including the world’s largest Jewish bone marrow donor registry and special programs for children with special needs, cancer patients, the elderly and terror victims.
For many years we have contributed to organizations which help pay teachers in hospitals for children with cancer during their difficult struggle with the disease.

The Israel Cancer Association (ICA)
With the aim of reducing cancer morbidity and mortality and improving the quality of life of cancer patients, the ICA has earned widespread recognition, both nationally and internationally, as a leader in the fight against cancer. The main activities of the association are supporting and funding research into cancer diagnosis and early detection of cancer, vocational guidance and information to the public, medical services, purchase of equipment and rehabilitation of patients
We have consistently donated and supported this organisation and the building of the bone marrow database.

Israel’s primary rescue and recovery volunteer organization, with thousands of volunteers on call 24/7 to respond to terror attacks, accidents or disasters. ZAKA volunteers also work in specialist search and rescue units on land and at sea and the UN recognized ZAKA International Rescue Unit operates at mass casualty incidents around the world.
We helped procure a well-equipped ambulance in the area of Kiryat Gat in southern Israel.
The Genstil Hostel
The Genstil Hostel is a rehabilitation center for children and adults with emotional and behavioral disorders, and for people with Prader-Willi Syndrome whose families are unable to support them or adequately provide for their needs.
Meptagon makes it possible for hostel residents to go on a week-long trip that has become one of the hostel’s traditions, giving dozens of residents a fun-filled break and an opportunity to create happy memories of recreation and enjoyment.

Non-profit, apolitical organization created by a private group of artists and philanthropists. We believe in the power of photography to better our society and promote a new dialogue regarding Israel. We pride ourselves on our innovation in photography, exhibiting the work of international artists, and taking an active role in various communities with special needs.
As part of preparations towards the international exhibition held at the port of Jaffa, 2016, Meptagon’s managers took part in the photography workshop for teenagers who are in the Green Village Children’s Home. The company has also funded the printing of photographs.
The ARTEMIS fund ltd
Public purposes only: to create a fund that will initiate, organize, establish, carry, hold, manage and support Israel cultural enterprises, society, education, health, science, literature, religion, charity, welfare and others, and to support and participate in these establishments.