ISO 27001

We are proud to share that Meptagon Group has recently been certified to ISO 27001 Information Security as part of the Group’s information security tightening and our Cyber ​​Operations Systems activity.

The group’s certification is part of being a leading integrator and as part of the advanced technology division’s activities.

For those who are unfamiliar with ISO 27001: a standard that defines simple, systematic and purposeful principles for the establishment, management and maintenance for the organizational information security systems. This standard is most essential in order to maintain and secure the information, one of the most significant assets of the organization. Compliance with the standard indicates that an organization has:

1. Identified information assets and manages their risks

2. Defined all security information needed controls

3. Developed disaster recovery and business continuity capability

4. Implemented learning processes, lessons learned and continuous improvement methods

These days, same as every day, Meptagon Group works on all fronts to ensure quality, safety!