Oil, Gas & Energy

For decades we provided large power plants with Operation & Maintenance services, including supply and installation of mechanical, piping, electrical, instrumentation, control and SCADA systems, for clients such as Oil Refineries Ltd., Israel Electric Corporation and Petroleum & Energy Infrastructures Ltd. Our teams have become the client’s right hand and we are proud of and appreciate this achievement.

We have witnessed various developments in the market, especially in the field of natural gas. Meptagon is able to provide extensive solutions for power related projects based on natural gas, solar, bio gas, diesel / gas engines, cogeneration and other renewable plants technologies, ranging from 1 MW to 18 MW.

We provide professional services for onshore pipeline, industrial plant conversion, PRMS and CNG applications for the natural gas market. We provide our customers with the necessary expertise which is crucial for successful planning, execution and management. Our added value is a unique methodology which is required in the gas industry, as well as our self-driven high performance standards.
Meptagon’s extensive knowledge and capabilities helps our customers overcome any challenge they may encounter along the way in the engineering, construction, operations and maintenance fields. From the outset, every project contains comprehensive preparation of all submissions and certifications in accordance to the relevant regulatory requirements.