Meptagon on the Leviathan project

Leviathan, the largest energy project in the history of Israel, is a strategic anchor for the Israeli market. The natural gas reservoir was discovered in 2010, by a numerous companies and is currently managed by Noble Energy. Beyond the enormous financial investment, estimated at over 13 billion NIS for the first phase, the project is considered as a complex one. Its location starts 130km from Haifa shore and is centered 10km west to it. The natural gas barge was established by teams from 24 countries around the globe. Meptagon Group was selected, by the construction companies which are involved in this project, local and global, in order to implement the strategic vision. Meptagon through its electrical, instrumentation and control department is providing a professional electrical infrastructure for hundreds of operating systems according to Israeli electricity standards. The Leviathan project is one of many projects carried out by the Meptagon Group, on air, sea and land …