
Industrial Command and Control Systems in the Age of COVID-19
By: Yehuda Eilon, Head of Industrial Cyber Security, Meptagon Group Published on Calcalist,7340,L-3804691,00.html Recent developments and innovations allowed the development of advanced augmented reality-based Command and Control systems for various

Real-time location tracking system based on BLE4/5 Mesh technology
Meptagon, APS & L-control have collaborated in an innovative solution to track employees’ location inside the new Tel-Aviv Light Rail stations during constructions. The system is based on Low Energy 5.0 Bluetooth controllers developed and manufactured in

Constructing industrial facilities: EPC vs. EPCM
Eyal Leshem The predominant project management approach used to champion keeping the consulting party separate from the constructing party. This approach was known as Engineering Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM)

Professional Development and Advancement in an Organization
Sophia Biton The world of employment is changing and employees’ loyalty and sense of belonging to their organization are definitely on the wane. A number of recent studies suggest that

Cyber security in enterprise operational systems: threats and trends
Yehuda EilonCommunication and connectivity capabilities between systems and infrastructure have burgeoned over the past decades to a very great degree. Such capabilities undoubtedly increase convenience, and improve efficiency and quality

Industrial Control Systems in a Nutshell
Eyal LeshemThe nitroglycerin plant, that Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite, built in 1870 was probably the most dangerous factory in the world at the time. To produce the nitroglycerin required