Safety and Quality
Meptagon is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment. This safety policy statement is a symbol engraved on the flag of the company. All employees and managers are obliged to do their utmost to prevent any accident or incident that might cause physical harm, result in occupational diseases or damage to equipment.
Meptagon must also protect other employees who may be affected by our actions at our work environment. Maintaining the safety and the health of our employees is a supreme value and an integral part of all activities. This is a prerequisite for meeting the objectives of the organization. The company has adopted the appropriate health and safety behavior, procedures and regulations in the areas of infrastructure and process.
We believe that:
- All accidents and occupational diseases are preventable, by identifying the risk factors, evaluating them and reducing them to an acceptable level via systematic and regular monitoring.
- Every employee makes a personal commitment to safety and the safety of those around him.
- Personal example, professional and quality work are the primary safety prerequisites.
- Safety is achieved by awareness of all those involved in the worksite.
- Maintaining the safety and health rules brings about success in business performance.
- No activities will take place before all precautionary safety requirements are in place.
- Health and safety of employees supersedes any other consideration.
- Any f activity where there is concern of unacceptable risk to people, property or environment will not be approved for execution.
- The Company’s management is actively involved in all health and safety procedures and in the allocation of resources to improve occupational health and safety as required.

Meptagon sees the implementation of our quality principles as a crucial method to achieve customer satisfaction. We are committed to providing a service which will meet our customer’s expectations, through a continual process of reviewing their requirements and evaluating their satisfaction with our performance. We constantly seek to improve the quality of the services and products we provide, in accordance with the customer’s needs and changing market requirements, all the while complying with the relevant safety laws and regulations.
The company developed process control mechanisms to detect defects in the manufacturing process and customer service issues, in order to implement corrective and preventative actions accordingly. The company is committed to improving the professional skills and knowledge of all employees and to combine our efforts to improve product quality and service.
We are constantly working to improve communication channels, enhancing our ability to detect and repair faults and prevent their recurrence.
The company undertakes to allocate the necessary resources and means to maintain our high quality standards by implementing the required specifications and identifying opportunities for improvement.